Is your dog emotionally attached to their toy?
Researchers from the University of Bristol Vet School and School of Psychological Science want to hear from dog owners for a new study on pets’ attachment to toys.
The researchers are looking at emotional attachment to specific toys, like the behaviour seen in young children who form strong attachments to blankets and soft toys.

Bruce Hood, Professor of Developmental Psychology in Society in the School of Psychological Science, said, “Attachment objects provide a sense of comfort and security for children for whom these objects are irreplaceable. Children often treat their attachment object as if it has thoughts and feelings.”
Past research estimates the number of Western children who form emotional attachments to soft toys and blankets is around 60 per cent. Recent studies indicate that not all children form emotional attachment to soft toys. A twin study found that attachment toy ownership is half to do with genes and the other is to do with the environment – especially for those who spent a longer time away from their mothers.

Dr Emily Blackwell, Director of Companion Animal Population Health at the Bristol Veterinary School, added, “Strong attachments to particular objects have been reported anecdotally by dog owners. This study is the first large-scale systematic survey of the phenomenon. The results will provide fascinating insights into the evolution of social behaviour in both dogs and their owners alike.”
Click here to browse our blankets and soft toy collection. To take part in this study or for information about other dog science research, go to www.dogsciencegroup.org.