Galahad, Dogs Trust Canterbury’s biggest ever rescue, finds a home
A four year old mastiff called Galahad – the biggest dog ever taken on by Dogs Trust’s Canterbury Rehoming Centre, weighting 100 kilos – has been adopted.
Galahad has been adopted by the Dimmock family and has been settling in well with owners Colin and Lindy, 15-year-old Matthew, and their other dog Odie.
Colin said, “It was me who was missing having a big dog – and the slobber and the hair – after we lost our dog, Eli, last year. Galahad is actually about three-inches bigger than he was. He’s the fourth really big dog we’ve had, they’re so loveable and loyal.
“He’s fantastic – he sits, gives you his paw, he comes up and gives you a kiss, he’s met cyclists, tractors, cars, other dogs, and is brilliant with our son Matthew, who is autistic. He likes everything about Galahad apart from the slobber.”
Colin added, “He’s just starting to play tug. He’ll chase a football down the garden and once he’s punctured it he’ll bring it back! We haven’t found a toy he can’t destroy yet, typically they last about a day!
“He loves the hosepipe and has been really enjoying that while the weather has been nice. He has the three-seater sofa in the living room as his bed at night. He snores so loudly we can hear him from our bedroom!
“One thing he does that’s really funny is he walks alongside the sofa, lifts his bum onto it and sits there with his front feet on the floor.
“He’s got a brilliant character, he’s absolutely great.”
Dogs Trust Canterbury Rehoming Centre Manager, Harriet Blaskett said, “Galahad was by far the biggest ever dog we’ve had at Canterbury.
“He’s had several previous homes, so it was really important that we got this right for him.
“We had a huge response to our appeal, and we could not be more thrilled with how well he’s settled in with his big-hearted new owners, they’re a match made in big dog heaven.”
Images by Dogs Trust