Six-year-old completes 30km challenge for animals
Daya Gill, a six-year-old from Reading, raised £446 – more than twice the original target – for the RSPCA by running 30 kilometres over the month of March.
Daya said, “I love animals and really want a dog so I chose to raise money for the RSPCA through my running challenge. I love running and I am really proud of what I have done. I thought it would be really hard to do 30km but actually I was surprised that I did it when my mum totalled up my distance one day.
“My running challenge was actually quite fun! The hardest part was on a day that I went running when I was already too tired because I’d been gardening. I ran out of energy and fell and hurt my knees badly. I only managed 1km when usually I can do 3.2km or more.”
She added, “My best run was when I did 5.4km when I ran through the University of Reading and around Whiteknights Lake. It was an amazing feeling. The funniest time was when I ran around a local lake dressed up as a dog – I made friends with lots of other dogs who were also on their walk!”
Daya has been awarded a certificate for her achievement, as well as receiving a subscription to the RSPCA Animal Action magazine.
Her mum, Natasha, said, “We are really proud of Daya’s achievement. She stayed really committed to it throughout the month which was great to see!”