Recognising the Initial Indicators of Heatstroke in Dogs

Recognising the Initial Indicators of Heatstroke in Dogs

As summer temperatures rise, it's crucial for pet owners to understand the dangers of heatstroke for their beloved dogs. Dogs are particularly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses, and heatstroke can be life-threatening if not quickly treated. Experts at Logan Whistles has compiled a brief guide to help you navigate the risks, starting from recognising the initial indicators of heatstroke to determining the point at which it becomes unsafe to take your four-legged friend for a walk.


Excessive Panting
One of the primary and most apparent indications of heatstroke in dogs is excessive, rapid, and prolonged panting. If you observe your dog hyperventilating, it can be a clear indication that they have become overheated and dehydrated. Heat stress and heat stroke pose significant risks to breeds like Pugs, French Bulldogs, and British Bulldogs due to their short muzzles, which not only make breathing challenging but also hampers their ability to regulate body temperature effectively during hot weather.


Excessive Drooling
Excessive drooling is another visible symptom of heatstroke. Keep a close eye on your dog for extreme drooling. Additionally, if your dog's drool appears thicker and stickier than usual, it could be a noticeable sign of heat exhaustion.




When dogs experience overheating, they may exhibit increased sleepiness or struggle to stand up and walk in a straight line. Lethargy and weakness can even lead to your dog collapsing, emphasising the importance of promptly recognising these signs.


Vomiting or Diarrhea

Abnormally soft stools or the presence of blood in the stool can be significant indicators of heatstroke. In addition to diarrhoea, vomiting is also a symptom of heat exhaustion, which can lead to significant dehydration in your furry companion, which increases the fatality risk posed to your dog. 


Should your dog exhibit any of the following symptoms, it is of utmost importance to promptly contact your veterinarian and aid them in cooling down. Seeking early veterinary treatment can significantly increase your dog's chances of survival, as highlighted by the Kennel Club, stating that "98% of cases with mild signs that receive early medical attention are likely to recover".

Alessandra Pacelli

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