Owners Urged to Stop Stockpiling Pet Food & Supplies
Pet food suppliers Natures Menu are joining many businesses in asking the public to stop stockpiling pet food and to buy as they usually would – as fears of a shortage in food has led to owners panic buying.
With the lockdown now in place across the UK, pet owners are either social distancing or self-isolating, and will be spending at least the next three weeks inside their homes. During this unsettling time, many owners have become fearful of a lack of supplies for their beloved pets, but businesses and charities have been offering their support as well as advice on how to keep pets healthy and active in this time.
Whilst stock levels are currently at a reasonable level at the Norfolk factory, Natures Menu is concerned about the growing volume of orders impacting this.
James Langan, Managing Director at the company, said, “We’d like to reassure people that whilst we currently have good stock levels, we are seeing many examples of customers ordering much larger amounts of pet food than normal and this is now starting to impact delivery times.
“We know that this is a worrying time. But we kindly ask people to be considerate and ensure they order the usual amount of food for their pet. We must ensure we can meet all of our customers’ needs moving forwards and that nobody, especially our beloved pets, are left without.
“We must stress that we are well prepared and if everyone sticks to their usual orders, there will be plenty of stock to go around.”
The Blue Cross has also reminded affected owners to check local media and social media for their area, as numbers of community groups are offering to help walk dogs and pick up essential pet supplies if family and friends aren’t available. (Volunteer dog walkers should use their own dog lead or disinfect the owner’s lead.)
Although pet owners have been reassured that dogs suffer no adverse effects from licking one’s hand after using hand sanitiser, as the alcohol evaporates almost immediately, Blue Cross have reminded owners to still be careful when using harsh cleaning products.
When cleaning, remember that pets should be kept away from areas being disinfected until completely dry and prevent pets going near cleaning buckets and cleaning products. Cats in particular will lick their paws and fur almost immediately if they feel unclean and such products can potentially burn their mouth, tongue or throat.
It’s also important to find out the situation with your local vet practice and where emergency treatment is being offered. Some vet practices are offering routine and non-urgent consultations remotely and any medication needed prescriptions via email to order online.
Blue Cross is offering free coronavirus update emails for latest news and tips about keeping pets healthy and mentally stimulated with easy to make games and play ideas during the Covid-19 outbreak. Visit www.bluecross.org.uk to find out more and sign up.