Discover Dogs to return in November 2021
The Kennel Club has announced that Discover Dogs is set to return to the ExCeL London in 2021, after the 2020 edition was canceled due to Covid-19.
The event, which was first held in 1996, will celebrate its 25th anniversary. It allows visitors to “meet and greet” over 200 different dog breeds, including some vulnerable British breeds, and learn more about them.
Vanessa McAlpine, Events Executive at The Kennel Club, said, “Discover Dogs is a fun event for any dog lover, and celebrates our unique relationship with dogs in addition to educating people about the importance of choosing the right breed for their lifestyle and making sure they buy a puppy responsibly.
“The event provides the opportunities for prospective dog owners to meet breeders and to learn how to care, train and live with different breeds and help make responsible choices when buying a puppy or getting a dog.”
Image by Yulia Titovets
She added, “However, the show isn’t just for prospective dog owners – we welcome dog lovers of all ages to come along and find out about the work of The Kennel Club, such as The Kennel Club Breed Rescue organisations who do fantastic work for dogs who aren’t as fortunate as others.
“Thousands of dogs come into breed rescue every year, either because their owners cannot cope and didn’t appreciate the commitment that dog ownership brings, or because they were mistreated. Unfortunately, despite there being more information out there than ever before, this year has demonstrated that people still continue to buy dogs on a whim.
“The show aims to give visitors the best advice, whether that’s buying a puppy or rehoming a rescue dog, so that the most informed decision can be made for both the dog and its owner.”
While Crufts is expected to go ahead in July 2021, Discover Dogs is scheduled to take place on 20-21 November 2021 at ExCeL London. More information and update will be available on the Discover Dogs website.
Main image by Adrienne Hammill